THE MILLSTONE: British Naval Policy in the Mediterranean, 1900-1914, the Commitment to France and British Intervention in the War © Geoffrey Miller





THE MILLSTONE: British Naval Policy in the Mediterranean, 1900-1914, the Commitment to France and British Intervention in the War © Geoffrey Miller



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The Millstone


British Naval Policy in the Mediterranean, 1900-1914, the Commitment to France and British Intervention in the War

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The index is here provided as a means of quick reference only.


A’Court-Repington, Lt-Col. Charles [1858-1925]. British Military Attaché at Brussels and the Hague, 1899-1902; Military Correspondent of the Times, 1904-18. 70-1, 75, 96-8, 159, 520

Abandonment of Mediterranean, 8-9, 267, 272, 287, 293, 540

Abolition of battleships, 390

Abrogation of treaty of Berlin, 139

Acceleration of British building programme, 344, 364, 366-8, 372, 374, 376, 378

Acceleration of French building programme, 393

Acceleration of German building programme, 104-5, 110-11, 125

Accommodation, Britain with Germany, ix, 136, 241, 249

Accord with France, 11, 317

Accord with Germany, 144

Acquisition of German port in Mediterranean, 161, 530

Acquisitions, German territorial, 420

Admiral Spaun (Austrian ship), 321

Admiralty Committee, 54

Admiralty policy, 4, 8-9, 31, 65, 79, 93, 96, 103, 172, 182, 470, 541

Admiralty proposals, 100, 103, 519

Admiralty War Staff, vi, xiii, 95-6, 128-30, 132, 134, 182, 199, 211-3, 215-8, 223-6, 247-8, 270, 284, 295, 300, 312, 339, 346-8, 370, 422

Adrianople, 330

Adriatic, 91, 101, 122-4, 126, 186-7, 258, 320, 331, 336-8, 341-2, 351, 385, 451, 471

Aehrenthal Alois, Baron Lexa Von (Count from 1909) [1854-1912]. Austro-Hungarian Ambassador at St. Petersburgh, 1899-1906; Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1906-1912. 140

Aesop’s Fables, 133

Afghanistan, 136-7, 139

Africa, 2, 11, 102, 151, 197, 271, 286-7, 307, 325, 342, 350, 473, 517, 525, 552

African army, 338 (Italian), 415, 422 (French)

Agadir, 89, 135, 141, 151-81, 192, 226, 233, 235-6, 516, 530-1, 534, 536, 552

Agamemnon (British semi-dreadnought), 52, 265, 273, 289

Agincourt (British dreadnought, ex-Sultan Osman, ex-Rio de Janeiro), 391

Aitken, Max, 449

Aix-la-chapelle, 553

Åland Archipelago, 139

Albania, 336-8

Albert, King of Belgians, 481

Aldershot, 69, 134

Alexandretta, 333-4

Alexandria, 21, 26-8, 80, 220-1, 248, 261, 265, 271, 280, 325

Algeciras Conference, 67, 69, 81, 140, 156, 159, 163, 525

Algeria, 345, 415, 505

Algerian army corps (see also XIXth Army Corps), 187, 242, 315, 324-5, 415, 474, 503, 552, 554

Algiers, 473-4

Alsace, 552

America, 109, 395

Amphibious operations, 102, 212

Amphion (British cruiser), 452

Anglo-French Entente, 25, 28-9, 32, 70, 79-80, 135-7, 140, 142, 144-5, 156, 221, 233, 236, 241, 249-50, 252, 268, 301, 308-10, 313-4, 316-7, 322, 347, 397, 405, 413, 435, 462, 507, 515-8, 523-5, 528, 530, 534, 536-7, 539-40, 542, 544-6, 549-50, 558-9

Anglo-French relations, 11, 25, 28-9, 31-2, 78, 81, 93, 135, 142, 156, 162, 221-2, 232, 236, 249-50, 267-8, 277, 290, 299-300, 309, 314, 319, 324, 331, 335, 342, 374, 394, 396-7, 399, 409, 493, 501-2, 505, 507, 515-18, 525, 528, 532, 536-7, 540-1, 543, 547, 556-7, 559

Anglo-German relations, xiii, 28, 50, 141-2, 234, 249, 338, 400, 411, 440, 461, 537

Anglo-Japanese alliance, 43, 137

Anglo-Russian Agreement, 31, 135-6, 138-40

Anglo-Russian Naval Convention (proposed), 394-8, 400

Anglo-Russian relations, 31-2, 135-6, 138-40, 394-6, 398, 400, 405-6, 412, 549, 559 Please click to go to the top of this page

Annex to Triple Alliance, 342

Annexation, Bosnia, 140, 291, 525

Annexation, Tripoli, 266

Antwerp, 69, 91, 189-90

Appropriations, 124-5

Arbeiter Zeitung, 123

Arbitration, 268, 416, 540

Archerfield House, 198-9, 202

Ardennes, 554

Argentina, 395

Argentine naval mission, 108

Armageddon, 12, 318, 406, 408

Armaments, 1, 51, 56, 107-9, 218, 241, 360

Armée Navale, First, 186

Armenia, 334

Armstrong (armaments manufacturer), 218, 312, 425, 446

Army, British, v, vii, 11, 64, 104, 253, 527, 550

Army, German, x, 9, 93, 126, 310, 462, 466, 548, 553

Arta, Gulf of, 337

Asia, 138, 333-4, 412

Asiatic agreement, 138-9

Aspern (Austrian ship), 321

Asquith, Herbert Henry [1852-1928]. Liberal MP, 1886-1918, 1920-4. Home Secretary, 1892-5; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1905-8; Prime Minister, 1908-16; Secretary of State for War, 30 March-5 August, 1914. v, 103, 107, 141, 156, 188, 190-1, 193-4, 211-12, 215-18, 221, 224-7, 249-50, 257, 267-9, 271, 277, 290, 292-4, 297, 300, 311-12, 320, 323, 347-9, 361, 365, 376-7, 385-7, 397, 405, 434-5, 444, 446, 448-9, 477-80, 490-93, 502, 505-7, 526-8, 530, 533-8, 541, 544, 551, 555-6; proposes defence cuts, 56; informed of military talks, 76; becomes Prime Minister, 98; appoints C.I.D. sub-committee, 100-1; and Two Power Standard, 108; and Dreadnought scare, 109, 111-12; and Fisher/Beresford feud, 128, 130-1; prevaricates in Commons, 143-5; and second Moroccan crisis, 157, 159-62, 164-8, 171, 174-6; decides on changes at the Admiralty, 182-3; misgivings over dispatch of six divisions, 189; and Radical anger, 195-7; appoints Churchill First Lord, 198-202; showdown with Radicals, 203-4; and Malta conference, 247-8; at Malta, 258, 260, 262-4, 266; defines new Mediterranean standard, 284-5, 287-8; ,and platitudinous French formula, 316; on Mediterranean cruise, 335-7; and Naval Estimates crisis, 366-7, 370-2; and July crisis, 407-9, 411-13, 416-21, 424; drafts appeal to Tsar, 436; supports Grey in Cabinet, 437-42;attempts to limit resignations, 452; the decision for war and his reasoning, 453-4, 460-1, 463-6, 468-9; and resignations, 489; reaction to Grey’s speech, 501; his position as War Minister, 504

Asquith, Violet, 260, 262

Asquithian compromise, 104, 216

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, 386, 406

Assassination of King George of Greece, 333

Athens, 333, 344-5

Atlantic Fleet, 25-7, 69, 99, 158, 239, 244

Aubert, Vice-Admiral Marie, 187, 290, 297-8

Augusta harbour, 341

Australia (Australian battle cruiser), 275, 290

Australia, 1, 257, 275, 290, 344

Austrian Army Corps, 419

Austrian building programme, xiv, 187, 315, 385-6, 548

Austrian Navy, 91, 112, 122, 125, 176, 265, 275, 284, 294-5, 307, 310, 320-2, 331-2, 338, 343, 351, 364-5, 367, 399, 415

Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, 407-8

Austro-German co-operation, 339, 341

Austro-Italian co-operation, 92, 269, 277, 319, 335, 341-3, 541

Auvert, Admiral Paul, 222

Auxiliary cruisers, 342

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Bab-el-manded, Straits of, 7

Bacon, Admiral Sir Reginald Hugh (1863-1947). Naval Assistant to Lord Fisher, 1904-5; Director of Naval Ordnance, 1907-9; managing director, Coventry Ordnance Works, 1909-1915. 47, 390

Bad Nauheim, 165

Baedecker guide, 260

Balfour, Sir Arthur James (later the Earl of Balfour) [1848-1930]. Conservative MP, 1874-85, 1885-1906, 1906-22. First Lord of the Treasury, 1891-2, 1895-1902; Prime Minister, 1902-5; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1915-6; Foreign Secretary, 1916-9. 29, 31, 63-4, 66-9, 73, 110-1, 215, 267-8, 293, 437, 453, 492, 500, 519, 540, 559

Balkan War, 320, 322, 330, 335-8, 351, 363

Balkans, 248, 317-8, 331, 339, 525, 549

Ballard, Rear-Admiral George Alexander [1862-1948]. Assistant Director of the Intelligence Department; Director of the Operations Division, Admiralty; Admiral of Patrols, East Coast, 1914-16; Senior Naval Officer, Malta, 1916-18. 66-7, 89, 211, 215-6, 295

Ballin, Albert, 232-, 234, 406-7

Balmoral, 198, 200, 292, 316

Baltic Fleet (Russian), 30, 52, 298

Baltic Scheme, 66-7, 73, 100-4, 171, 174, 526

Baltic, 15, 139, 158, 172-3, 291, 307, 210, 316, 396-9, 451, 549

Bank of England, 435

Bankers Association, 160

Barcelona, 345

Barrère, M. Camille, French Ambassador at Rome, 1897-1924. 349

Battenberg, Prince Louis Alexander of (later Admiral of the Fleet, Marquess of Milfordhaven) [1854-1921]. Director of Naval Intelligence, 1903-5; commanded 2nd Cruiser Squadron, 1905-7; second in command, Mediterranean 1908; C-in-C, Atlantic Fleet, 1910; Second Sea Lord, 1911; First Sea Lord, 1912-4. 29, 201, 210-14, 216-18, 221, 222-4, 248, 258, 260, 263, 278, 284, 288, 313, 323-5, 329, 331-2, 335, 337-9, 344, 347-8, 366-8, 374, 376, 386, 388-9, 393-4, 398, 409, 422, 425, 469-73, 502-3

Battle cruisers, 21, 34-5, 53-5, 111, 264, 275, 289-90, 300, 321, 330, 334, 345-6, 386, 392, 394, 422, 470-1, 503

Battle fleet, 89, 153-4, 223, 264, 271-2, 286, 288, 299, 389, 391, 543

Baudin, Pierre. French Minister of Marine. 266, 335

Bavaria, 193

Bax-Ironside, Sir Henry George Outram [1859-1929]. British Minister at Berne, 1909-11; at Sofia, 1911-15. 125-6

Bay of Naples, 260

‘Beagles’ in the cabinet, 405, 441, 465

Beatty, Admiral David [1871-1936]. Naval Secretary to the First Lord, 1912; in command of the 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron from 1914; C-in-C, Grand Fleet, 1916-19; First Sea Lord, 1919-27. 218, 260-4, 270, 324, 345-6, 385

Beauchamp, seventh Earl (William Lygon) [1872-1938]. Liberal politician. First Commissioner of Works, 1910-1914. 360, 371, 453, 460, 464-5, 476-8, 489-91, 502

Belfast, 235

Belfort, 417, 554

Belgian Army, 169, 189-90, 192, 481, 532

Belgian frontier, 219, 310, 325, 548, 552

Belgian neutrality, x, 69, 72, 405, 415-7, 420-1, 434-5, 438, 440-3, 445, 449, 461-2, 466-7, 477, 479-80, 489-90, 502-3, 519, 554

Belgium, 67, 71, 90-1, 168, 171, 189-92, 195, 203, 310, 411, 413, 415-8, 420, 438, 441-2, 454, 460, 462-3, 465-8, 477-81, 490-1, 497-9, 501-3, 515, 526, 535, 548, 550, 552-5

Belgrade, 416

Benckendorff, Count Alexander [1849-1917]. Russian Ambassador at London, 1903-17. 135, 139, 398-9, 412

Berchtold, Leopold, Count Von [1863-1942]. Austro-Hungarian Ambassador at St. Petersburgh, 1906-11; Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1912-15. 307

Berehaven, 239

Beresford, Admiral Sir Charles William de la Poer [1846-1919]. Conservative MP, 1874-80, 1885-9, 1897-1900, 1902, 1910-6. Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, 1905-7; Channel, 1907-9. 4-6, 14, 56-7, 93-7, 107, 128, 130-3, 210-1, 271

Berliner Tageblatt, 398, 406

Bernhardi, General Friedrich von [1949-1930]. German General of cavalry and exponent of militarism. 397, 515, 530, 539, 550 Please click to go to the top of this page

Berteaux, French Minister of War. 152

Bertie, Sir Francis Leveson (since 1915, 1st Baron; 1918, 1st Viscount) [1844-1919]. British Ambassador at Rome, 1903-4; at Paris, 1905-18. 144-5, 155, 238, 245, 251, 300-1, 308-9, 311, 400, 406, 472, 517, 524, 528, 538, 544, 546, 547

Berwick, Northumberland, 75

Besika Bay, 330

Bethell, Rear-Admiral Alexander Edward [1855-  ]. Director of Naval Intelligence, 1909-1912; Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, 1912; Commanded R. N. War College, 1913-4. 166

Bethmann-Hollweg, Herr Theobald von [1856-1921]. Prussian Minister of the Interior, 1905-7; German Minister for the Interior, 1907-9; German Imperial Chancellor, 1909-17. 141, 143, 152, 156, 226, 232-7, 240-2, 314, 345, 378, 400, 405, 419-20

Bilateral agreements, 559

Birrell, Augustine [1850-1933]. Author and Liberal politician. Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1907-16. 197, 464

Bizerta, 263, 298, 324, 341, 474

Black Prince (British heavy cruiser), 313

Black Sea Fleet (Russian), 15, 30, 297-8, 307, 333, 342, 395, 397

Black Sea, 15, 28, 30, 139, 297-8

Blockade, 65, 91, 103, 123, 172, 174-6, 191, 216

Blyth, Northumberland, 175

Board of Admiralty, 1, 26, 31-2, 55, 57, 64, 95-6, 131, 210, 217, 266, 275-6, 285-6, 322, 370, 373-4. See also, German Admiralty, French Admiralty

Boer War, vi, 9, 11, 63

Bombardment of Dardanelles, 248

Bombay, 1

Bona, 448, 503

Bonar Law, see Law

Bonham Carter, Maurice [1880-1960]. Private Secretary to Mr Asquith, 1910-6. 436

Borden, Sir Robert Laird [1854-1937]. Conservative politician. Prime Minister of Canada, 1911-20. 291-2, 359-60, 362-6, 373, 376, 386, 389

Borkum, 90, 452

Bosnia, 99, 140, 241

Bosnian crisis, 122, 525

Bosphorus, 1, 13, 139

Boulogne, 445

Boyle, Captain (later Admiral of the Fleet) William Henry Dudley, twelfth Earl of Cork and Orrery [1873-1967]. Naval Intelligence Department, 1909-11; Naval Attaché, Rome, 1913-5. 385-6

Bradbury, John Swanwick [1872-1950]. Civil servant. Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, 1913-9. 371

Brassey, Thomas, first Earl Brassey [1836-1918]. Liberal MP, 1868-86; Civil Lord of Admiralty, 1880-4. Founded Brassey’s Naval Annual in 1886. 24-5, 27, 53

Bremen, 105

Breslau, SMS (German light cruiser), 322, 338, 422-3, 448, 470-1, 473-5, 503-4, 540

Brest, 1, 8, 12, 128, 184, 186-7, 290, 299, 313, 315, 335, 532-3, 548

Brett, see Esher

Briand, Aristide [1862-1932]. French Premier. 142-3

Bridge, Admiral Sir Cyprian, 49

Bridgeman, Admiral Sir Francis Charles [1848-1929]. Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet, 1907-9; First Sea Lord, 1911-2. Removed to make way for Battenberg. 133, 218, 221-2, 224, 258, 270, 278, 284, 290, 295, 298-9, 301, 313, 322-3

Brindisi, 337, 475

British Channel Fleet, 5, 10, 24, 27, 31, 45, 93-4, 131

British Channel Squadron, 5-8, 25

British Expeditionary Force, x, 166-7, 169, 183, 189-90, 195, 325, 396, 439, 441, 444, 465-6, 468-9, 499, 532, 550, 552, 556, 559

British intervention, xii, 408, 418, 421, 434, 449-52, 466, 479-80, 490, 506-8, 515, 551

British Mediterranean Squadron, 4-5, 8-10, 24-5, 57, 102, 239-40, 244-5, 249, 252, 294, 296, 330-1, 346, 385, 537

British Naval Estimates, xiv, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 16, 22, 32-3, 52, 55-6, 98, 104, 109-10, 183, 200-1, 217, 223, 239, 242, 251, 292, 322, 343, 349, 356, 358-61, 365-75, 377-9, 389, 392, 394, 538

British Squadrons: Third Cruiser Squadron, 27, 344; proposed River Squadron, 93; First Cruiser Squadron, 52, 289, 344, 470-1; First Battle Cruiser Squadron, 345-6; Second Battle Cruiser Squadron, 394, 422; Third Battle Squadron, 320-1, 329-30; Fourth Battle Squadron, 244, 246, 262, 264, 289, 292, 294, 344; Fifth Battle Squadron, 344

British withdrawal from Mediterranean, 7, 91-2, 102, 222, 240, 242, 245-6, 248, 252, 260-1, 265, 269, 271, 285, 300, 315, 321, 445, 469, 537, 541, 544, 548

Brittany, 335

Brodrick, William St. John Fremantle [1856-1942]. Conservative MP, 1880-1906; Secretary of State for War, 1900-3. 64

Brussels, 481

Buchanan, Sir George William [1854-1924]. British Agent and Consul-General in Bulgaria, 1903-9; Ambassador at St Petersburg, 1910-18; at Rome, 1919-21. 395-6, 409, 412, 549

Buckingham Palace, 163, 436

Budget, 10, 16, 24, 64, 129, 141, 441

Bulgaria, 99, 447

Bülow, Bernard Count Von (since 1905, Prince) [1849-1929]. German Imperial Chancellor, 1900-09. 517

Bülow, Herr Alfred Von, German Minister at Berne, 1898-1912. 126

Burney, Vice-Admiral Sir Cecil [1858-1926]. Commanded International Naval Force in Adriatic, 1913. 342

Burns, John Elliot [1858-1943]. President of Local Government Board, 1905-14. 404, 416, 441, 453, 462-4, 466, 476-8, 480, 489-91, 502

Buxton, Noel Edward [1869-1948]. Liberal MP, 1905-6, 1910-18. Labour MP, 1922-30. Co-founded the Balkan Committee, 1903. 284, 360

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Cadogan Gardens, 438

Cagliari, 341-2

Caillaux, Joseph [1863-1944]. French politician. Finance Minister, 1906, 1911, 1913; Premier, 1911. 151, 153, 164

Cairo, 261

Calais, v, 70, 445, 463, 519

Callaghan, Sir George Astley, Admiral [1852-1920]. Admiral commanding the First and Second Fleets, 1911-14; Commander-in-Chief, the Nore, 1915-18. 345

Callwell, Major-General Charles Edward [1859-1928]. Intelligence Branch, War Office [1887-92. Retired from the Army in 1909 and recalled to the active list in 1914. Director of Military Operations and Intelligence, 1914-6. 66-7

Cambon, M. Jules, French Ambassador at Madrid, 1902-7; at Berlin, 1907-14. 157, 508

Cambon, M. Paul [1843-1924]. French Ambassador at London, 1898-1920. 30, 73-5, 77-8, 156, 158, 184, 186, 196, 249-50, 258-9, 266, 270-1, 293, 299-302, 308-9, 312-19, 331, 349, 397, 399, 404-5, 410, 420, 434-7, 439, 443-6, 449, 452, 460-1, 464, 466-7, 469-72, 476, 479-81, 489-90, 492-3, 497, 506, 515, 517-8, 520-2, 524, 537-8, 543-9, 555, 559

Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry [1836-1908]. Liberal MP [1868-1908; Prime Minister, 5 December 1905-4 April 1908. V, 56, 68, 73-4, 80, 98, 493, 520-3, 525

Canada, 278, 290, 292, 322, 343, 359-60, 362, 366, 373-4, 376, 378, 387

Canadian Senate, 364

Canadian ships, 292-3, 343, 345, 349, 357-9, 366, 368, 373, 376, 378, 389

Cape of Good Hope, 1, 26, 154-5, 257

Cape Santa Maria di Leuca, 101

Cardiff, 159

Carlton club, 361

Cartwright, Sir Fairfax L. [1857-1928]. Ambassador at Vienna, 1908-13. 249

Casablanca incident, 99

Cassel, Sir Ernest [1852-1921]. British Financier. 232-4, 236, 238, 290

Casus belli, 192, 240, 479, 481, 489

Casus foederis, 339

Cavalry, 167, 169, 192, 531, 552

Cawdor, third Earl (Frederick Archibald Vaughan Campbell) [1847-1911]. First Lord of the Admiralty, 1905. 31, 55-6, 67

Cecil, Lord Hugh [1869-1956]. Conservative MP. 494-5

Cephalonia, 337

Cessation of naval building (see also ‘Naval Holiday’), 242

Chamberlain, Right Hon. Austen [1836-1914]. Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1895-1903. 110, 453

Chamberlain, Sir Joseph [1863-1937]. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1903-5. 15

Chancellor of the Exchequer, 3-4, 6, 16, 56, 76, 106-7, 129, 160-3, 189, 322, 361, 363, 368-71, 375, 414, 441, 465, 478-80, 530. See also, Goschen, Chamberlain, Asquith, Lloyd George

Chancellor, see German Imperial Chancellor, Bülow, Bethmann-Hollweg

Channel Committee, 45-6

Channel Fleet, see British Channel Fleet

Channel Squadron, see British Channel Squadron Please click to go to the top of this page

Charing Cross station, 453

Charlemagne (French ship), 474

Chatham, 330

Cherbourg, 1, 12, 445

Chief of the War Staff (C.O.S.), 212-4, 223-5, 266, 270, 278, 295, 312-3, 323, 347-8, 393, 469

Chile, 55, 395

China Station, 31, 275, 508

Churchill, Sir Winston [1874-1965]. President of the Board of Trade, 1908-10; Home Secretary, 1910-11; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1911-5. 331-2, 334, 348-9, 405, 421, 444, 448, 476, 480, 489, 506-7, 525, 531-2, 534-8, 540-3, 545-9, 556; and 1909 Naval scare, 106-7; proposes abandonment of Mediterranean, 153-5; and second Moroccan crisis, 161, 163-6, 171, 173-4, 176; desire for Admiralty, 183; influenced by Henry Wilson, 188-94; presses claim for Admiralty, 197-201, 203; transfers to Admiralty to form Naval War Staff, 210-25; advocates abandonment of Mediterranean, 226-7; and Haldane Mission, 232-5, 237-41; proposes Naval Holiday, 242-6; plans maximum concentration in North Sea and C.I.D. meeting in Malta, 247-8, 250, 252-3, 257-64, 266-80; and Cabinet opposition to withdrawal scheme, 284-91; promise of Canadian ships, 292-8; informs French of his proposal, 299-303; holds out fro freedom of action, 308, 310-17, 319; and Balkan War, 320-1, replaces Bridgeman, 322-5; cruises in Mediterranean, 335-7; orders Mediterranean show of strength, 343-5; his estrangement from C.I.D., 346-7; naval estimates crisis and policy of substitution, 356-61, 363-78; new tactics and submarines for Mediterranean, 385-92; and Russian approach, 397-400; and July crisis, 407, 409-12, 415, 417; sends warning telegram, 418; issues operational orders, 422-3; embargoes Turkish ships, 424-5; and possible coalition, 435-6; monopolizes discussion in Cabinet, 441-2; and reaction to embargo, 447; and Sunday Cabinet, 2 August, 451-3, 463-5, 467; and Mediterranean naval situation, 469-71; informs French Naval Attaché of Cabinet decision, 472; authorizes communication with French, 479; and Belgian neutrality, 481; requests immediate action, 501; reaction upon sighting of Goeben and Breslau, 503-5

Cicoli, Alfred Captain (Austrian naval officer) 340, 343-4

Clandestine naval activity, 105, 108

Claridge's Hotel, 97

Clarke, George Sydenham, first Baron Sydenham [1848-1933]. Secretary, Committee of Imperial defence, 1904-7. 8, 11, 64, 67-74, 76, 79, 519-20, 522

Clemenceau, M. Georges [1841-1929]. French Minister of the Interior, 1906; Premier and Minister of the Interior, 1906-9; Premier and Minister of War, 1917-20. 82, 102, 127, 142

Clerk, Sir George R. [1874-1951]. First Secretary at Constantinople, 1910-2; Senior Clerk at the Foreign Office (Eastern Department), 1913-4. 460

Cloan, 199-200

Clowes, William Laird [1856-1905]. Naval writer. 7-9

Coal, 45, 159, 330, 344, 360, 424, 451, 503

Coaling stations, 3, 80-1

Coalition Government, x, xii, 405, 436, 453, 478-80

Coatit (Italian ship), 321

Colonial aspirations, 157

Colonial concessions, 237

Colonial wars, 2, 550

Commerce protection, 3-4, 6, 15, 51-2, 69, 101, 112, 143, 186-7, 258, 265, 319, 332, 415, 498

Committee of Designs, 26, 33, 46, 53-4

Committee of Imperial Defence, vi-viii, xiii, 63-9, 71, 75, 78, 80-1, 96, 100-3, 106, 128-30, 165-6, 171, 175, 182-4, 188-90, 192, 195, 200, 202, 211, 213, 215-7, 220-1, 223-7, 247, 252, 257-8, 263, 271, 278-80, 284-5, 288, 290-3, 312, 324, 346-7, 358, 362, 385, 409, 417, 439, 467, 480, 508, 518-20, 526-7, 531-3, 542, 556

Committee of Imperial Defence sub-committees, 65-7, 96, 100, 103-4, 128-30, 132, 175, 216-7, 223, 526-7

Compensation, territorial, 80, 151-2, 157, 159, 317, 524

Concessions, territorial, 81

Conference proposal (by Grey), 413, 416

Conferences: Hague, 12, 56, Algeciras, 30-2, 67, 69, 81, Malta, 257, 267, 278, Triple Alliance, 340-1, Russian, 395, Ambassadors, 410, Admiralty, 422, 425

Congo, 90, 151, 157-9, 196

Conrad von Hötzendorf, Field Marshal Franz, Count [1852-1925]. Chief of Staff, Austro-Hungarian Army from 1906. 125

Conservative Government, vi, 55, 135

Conservative Party, 31

Constantinople, 9, 99, 105, 140, 320-2, 329, 333, 391, 395, 397, 424, 447-8, 505

Constitutional crisis, 157

Continental strategy, 80, 104, 165, 184, 253, 409, 508, 527

Conversations, naval and military, 74-6, 78-9, 100-2, 141, 171, 196, 201-3, 221, 249-50, 252, 259, 279, 291, 299-300, 302, 308-9, 350, 393, 397-9, 493-4, 508, 515-6, 518, 520-2, 526, 528, 533-5, 537-9, 543, 545-7, 551, 555

Convoys, 474-6

Conz, Capitano di fregata Angelo (Italian Naval Staff), 339-40, 343-4

Corbett, Sir Julian [1854-1922]. Naval historian. 89-90, 129, 296

Cordite, 9

Corfu, 320, 336-7, 363

Cornwallis (British pre-dreadnought), 263

Council of ministers, 102

Courbet (French dreadnought), 374, 393

Coventry Ordnance Works, 105

Cressy (British heavy cruiser), 51-2

Crete, 99

Crewe, Marquess [1858-1945]. Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1908-10; Secretary of State for India, 1910-15. 165, 183, 188, 197, 284, 405, 444, 449, 461, 464-5, 481

Criccieth, 189, 193, 477

Cricket, 24, 406-7

Cromarty, 193

Cromer, 1st Earl of (Evelyn Baring) [1841-1917]. British Consul-General and Agent in Egypt, 1883, 1885-1907. 27, 220, 409

Crowe, Mr. (later Sir) Eyre [1864-1925]. Entered Foreign Office, 1885. Senior Clerk, British Foreign Office, 1906-12; Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1912-20; Permanent Under-Secretary, 1920-5. 136, 155-8, 245, 247-9, 252-3, 329, 351, 397, 410-1, 420-1, 435, 437, 440, 477-8, 516, 539-40

Cruppi, 144-5, 528

Cuniberti, Italian naval architect, 112

Curragh incident, 504

Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel, 1st Baron [1859-1925]. Viceroy and Governor-General of India, 1899-1905. 16

Curzon-Howe, Admiral, 153

Custance, Admiral Sir Reginald Neville [1847-1935]. Consistent critic of Admiralty policy; retired 1912. 348

Cuxhaven, 93

Cyprus, 8, 12, 257, 261, 320, 336

Cyrenaica, 219, 329

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D3-D8 (British submarines), 387

Dalmatian coast, 335

Dante Alighieri (Italian dreadnought), 112-3, 393

Danton (French semi-dreadnought), 127, 185-6

Danubius yard, Fiume, 124

Dardanelles, viii, 1, 128, 139, 154, 171, 248, 333, 342, 397

Darrieus, Contre-Amiral (later Vice-Amiral) Pierre Joseph Gabriel Georges [1859-1931]. Commanded Division des écoles de la Méditerranée, 1913. 265, 474

Daveluy, Captain. French naval writer. 265

Dawson, Sir Arthur Trevor [1866-  ]. Managing Director, Vickers. 391

Debt, national, 3

Declaration of neutrality, 242, 297, 443, 469, 540

Declaration of war, 137, 153, 203, 419, 436, 451, 460, 463-7, 477, 539

Defence (British heavy cruiser), 52

Defence of India, 139; of Malta, 102, 261; of the Straits of Dover, 101-2, 184; of the Suez Canal, 102, 261, 325

Defence of the Empire, 24, 290, 292, 376, 378

Defence spending, 9, 16, 192, 536

Delcassé, M. Théophile [1852-1923]. French Minister of Foreign Affairs 1898-1905 and 1914-9. 25, 29-30, 126-7, 185-8, 222, 290, 517

Delegations (Hungarian), 122, 124

Denmark, 66, 174, 191

Détente (Anglo-German), 400, 411

Deuxieme Bureau, 553

Devonshire class (British heavy cruiser), 264

Devonshire, Duke of, 453

Dieppe, 193

Diocletian’s Palace, 335

Diplomacy, 32, 81, 136, 139, 197, 232, 268, 287, 351, 490, 542

Director of Naval Intelligence (D.N.I.), 32, 97, 223

Director of the Mobilization Department (D.N.M.), 223

Director of the Operations Department (D.N.O.), 223

Discussions, 104, 157, 234, 237, 241, 245, 249-50, 258, 264, 271, 309, 410, 450, 464, 467, 474, 504, 519, 527, 537, 547 Please click to go to the top of this page

Disembarkation ports, 452, 529

‘Ditherers’ in the Cabinet, 489-90

Djavid Pasha [1875-1926]. Turkish Deputy for Salonica, member of the CUP inner circle. Minister of Finance, 1909-11, 1912, and from January 1913. 447

Djemal Pasha, Ahmed [1872-1922]. Military Governor of Constantinople, 1913; Minister of Public Works, 1914; Minister of Marine, 1914; assassinated. 447

Dodecanese, 248, 307

Dogger Bank, 28

Dominions, 248, 287, 290

Domvile, Commander Barry, Assistant Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence, 1914. 467

Doumergue, Gaston [1863-1937]. French Premier, 1913-4. 397

Dover, 26, 72, 79, 101-2, 184, 260, 286

Draycott Place, 439

Dreadnought (British Dreadnought), vii, xi, 34-6, 47, 49-51, 53-6, 89, 105, 111, 524

Dreadnought scare, xi, xiii, 105, 112, 125, 128-9, 141, 516, 531

Dredgers, 220

Dresden (German cruiser), 334, 338

Drummond, James Eric, sixteenth Earl of Perth [1876-1951]. Asquith’s private secretary, 1912-5. 436

Dublin (British cruiser), 470

Dublin, 412-3

Duke of Edinburgh (British heavy cruiser), 52-3, 289, 313

Duma, 297

Duncan (British pre-dreadnought), 263-4

Dunkirk, 79

Durbar, 242

Dutch colonies, 90

Dutch neutrality, 417

Ecole supérieure de guerre, xi, 144

Egerton, Sir George. 246

Egmont (British ship) 263

Egypt, 1-2, 8, 10, 15, 28, 80-1, 92, 154, 162, 220-1, 248, 253, 257, 261, 271, 285-6, 296, 325

Ehrhardt (German armaments’ manufacturer) 106

El Kasr, 152

Elbe, 66, 93, 451

Elsdale, Lieutenant-Colonel H., Royal Engineers, 7, 9

Emanuele Filiberto (Italian ship), 321

Embargo of Turkish ships, 391, 447

Enchantress (Admiralty yacht), 246, 260-3, 266-8, 290, 323, 335, 337

English Channel, 21, 27, 423, 450, 461-2, 464, 495

Entente, see Anglo-French Entente

Enver Pasha [1882-1922]. Turkish Military Attaché at Berlin, 1909, 1912, 1913; served in the Italo-Turkish War, 1912; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1913; Major-General and Minister of War from 1914; assassinated. 447

Epinal, 554

Esher, 2nd Viscount (Reginald Baliol Brett) [1852-1930]. Liberal MP 1880-5. A permanent member of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1905-18. 3, 69-72, 79, 99, 103-4, 107, 130-1, 133, 165, 183, 200-2, 215-8, 223-4, 226-7, 245-6, 260, 266, 268-9, 271-3, 279, 284-5, 287-8

Estimates, see British Naval Estimates, French Naval Estimates

Ewart, Lt-Gen. Sir John Spencer [1861-1930]. Director of Military Operations, 1906-10. 556

Expeditionary Force, see British Expeditionary Force

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Fairholme, Colonel. British Military Attaché, Paris. 195-6

Falkenhayn, Erich von [1861-1922]. Prussian War Minister, 1913. 419

Fallières, M. Armand [1841-1931]. President of the French Republic, 1906-13. 185

Fallodon, Northumberland. 70, 190-1, 249, 407, 409, 521

Fashoda, 10

Fasson, Major (later Brigadier-General) John Disney [1864-  ]. General Staff Officer, 1906-7. 66, 519

Ferguson, Niall, 507-8

Fifth Army (French), 325, 552, 554

Fire control, 20, 35-6, 45, 47, 133

Fisher, Admiral Sir John Arbuthnot (later Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Fisher of Kilverstone) [1841-1920]. Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Squadron, 1900-2; Second Sea Lord, 1902; C-in-C, Portsmouth, 1903; First Sea Lord, 1904-10 and October 1914-May 1915. Head of the Royal Commission on Fuel and Engines, 1912-4. Created Baron, 1909. 3, 11-16, 20-42, 45-57, 64-9, 72-3, 75, 79-80, 89-90, 93-104, 106-8, 110-12, 122, 128-35, 137, 153, 165, 171, 182, 185-7, 210-11, 218-22, 227, 245-7, 260-2, 264-5, 269-71, 278, 280, 284, 286, 288, 302, 312-3, 319, 325, 344, 347, 386, 390-1, 473, 508, 518, 522, 52-7, 532, 536, 545, 558

Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmond George (since 1906, 1st Baron Fitzmaurice of Leigh) [1846-1935]. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1883-5, 1905-8.

Fiume, 48, 124

Flanders, 467

Flotilla defence, 363, 387

Foch, Ferdinand [1851-1929]. Commandant of the Ecole Supérieure de Guerre. Xi, 144, 528

Formidable class (British pre-dreadnoughts), 274

Fourth Battle Squadron, 244, 246, 262, 264

Franco-German Frontier, 67, 417, 554

Franco-German relations, 157, 163-4, 219

Franco-Prussian war, 93

Franco-Russian relations, 4, 6, 9, 15, 140, 250, 297, 518, 540

French Admiralty, 102, 393, 526

French Army, 71, 100, 104, 165, 169-70, 189-90, 325, 475, 516, 526-7, 532, 551-2

French coasts, 464, 480

French Fleet, 1, 4-5, 13, 23, 168, 185, 242, 247, 249-50, 268, 277, 280, 290, 308, 310, 313, 316, 319, 335, 341, 392, 411, 422, 450, 466, 470, 473, 476, 495-6, 526, 537, 540-1, 546, 549

French General Staff, 71, 73, 100, 169, 172, 201, 310, 325, 490, 548, 551, 553

French interest, 265, 301

French Naval Estimates, 142, 265

French Navy, 24, 92, 99, 126-7, 143, 177, 184-5, 297, 331, 335, 345, 374, 404, 471, 525, 532

French Squadrons: First Squadron, 185-6; Second Squadron, 186; Third Squadron, 186-7, 290, 313, 315, 335, 533, 543

French submarines, 79

French, Field-Marshal Sir John Denton Pinkstone [1852-1925]. Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1912-4; Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, 1914-1915. Iv, 69, 81, 166, 253, 284-5, 347, 417

Friedrichstrasse, 235

Frisian Islands, 90

Please click to go to the top of this pageGaeta, 341

Gard, Chief Constructor W. H., 53

Gaulois (French ship), 474

Gauthier, Dr Armand Elzéar, French Minister of Marine, 1914. 474-5

Genoa, 260

George, David Lloyd [1863-1945]. Liberal MP, 1890-1931. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1908-15; Minister of Munitions, 1915-16; Prime Minister & First Lord of the Treasury, 1916-22. 106-8, 129, 141, 160-4, 166, 168-9, 171, 176, 188-93, 200-1, 210, 232-3, 237, 279, 284, 287, 318, 322, 360-71, 375, 377, 405, 409, 414-5, 417, 435-7, 440-1, 444, 453, 460, 464-5, 467, 476-7, 479-81, 489, 503, 530, 532, 556

German Admiralty, 50, 338

German Army, 9, 93, 126, 310, 462, 466, 548, 553

German Fleet, 23, 29, 91, 93, 109, 157, 159, 172-3, 176-7, 187, 234, 236, 274, 276, 285-6, 291, 369, 400, 404, 414, 444-5, 449-51, 461-3, 466-7, 471-2, 496, 531, 557

German Imperial Chancellor, 141, 152, 226, 232, 235-7, 314, 378, 400, 419-20, 438, 517

German naval building, 98, 106, 111, 238, 388, 390-1

German Naval plans, 50, 55

German Naval Staff, 152

German Navy, 22-3, 97, 127, 137, 140, 158, 184, 237, 239-40, 243, 261, 359, 378, 461, 532

German Third Squadron, 233-5, 245, 365

German violation of Belgian neutrality, 69, 72, 191, 203, 415-7, 440-2, 445, 449, 466, 477, 480, 498, 519, 535

Germinet, Admiral. Commanded French Squadron, Toulouse. 102

Gibraltar, 6-10, 21, 25-7, 102, 153, 239, 244-6, 262, 264, 266-7, 271-2, 274, 276, 294, 345, 471, 503

Gignon Lieutenant Charles. French wireless expert and interpreter. 185-6

Giuliano, San, see San Giuliano

Gladstone, William Ewart [1809-1898]. Liberal Statesman and Prime Minister. 1-2, 5-6, 9, 416, 469

Glasgow, 235, 237, 242

Gloire (French ship), 127

Goeben (German battle cruiser), 54, 321-2, 333-4, 338, 344-6, 394, 415, 422-3, 447-8, 470-1, 473-6, 503-5, 540

Gooch, John, 68

Goschen, George Joachim [1831-1907]. Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1886-92; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1895-1900. 3-4

Goschen, Sir William Edward [1847-1924]. British Ambassador at Vienna, 1905-8; at Berlin, 1908-14. 158, 235-6, 251, 267, 419-20, 539

Governor of Malta, 248, 263

Grand Vizier, 447

Great Yarmouth, 175

Greece, 99, 320, 335-7, 422

Greek Navy, 397

Greene, Sir William Graham [1857-1950]. Principal Clerk, Admiralty, 1902-7; Assistant Secretary, 1907-11; Permanent Secretary, 1911-7. 214, 218

Grey, Sir Edward (since 1916, Viscount) [1862-1933]. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 11 December 1905 — 11 December 1916. 64, 96, 98, 100, 107, 200, 219, 221, 320-1, 330-1, 337, 347, 360, 404-5, 504-7, 515-31, 533-40, 542, 544-5, 547-51, 555-9; appointed Foreign Secretary, 31-2; and commencement of military talks, 69-70, 73-7; withholds Cabinet authorization, 78; and naval talks, 79; acknowledges moral force, 80-2; and Turkish revolution, 99; and German naval acceleration, 110-11; and Anglo-Russian agreement, 142-6; and second Moroccan crisis, 155-66, 169-71, 174, 184, 188-94; becomes focus of Radical anger, 195-7; defends Anglo-French talks, 203-4; and Haldane Mission, 232-4, 240-1; and planned withdrawal from Mediterranean, 249-53, 257-9, 261, 263-4, 266-8, 270-1, 278-9, 284, 287, 291, 293, 297, 299-302; and French approach to consolidate Entente, 308-11, 315-19; and Anglo-Italian relations, 349-51; and Naval Estimates crisis, 363, 366; and Russian approach, 394, 396-400; and July crisis, 406-13, 415-21, 424-6; Cabinet meetings of 1 and 2 August and pledge to Cambon, 434-46, 448-51, 454, 460-7, 469-72, 477-81; his speech to the House, 489-502; his responsibility, 508-9

Grierson, Major-Gen. Sir James Moncrieff [1859-1914]. Director of Military Operations, 1904-6. Iv-vi, 70-2, 75, 80, 144, 519-20, 522

Grimsby, 175

Gunboats, xi, 152, 155-7

Gunnery control, see fire control

Gyroscopic torpedo, 48

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Hague Peace Conference, 12, 56

Haldane, Richard Burdon (since 1911, 1st Viscount) [1856-1928]. Liberal MP, 1885-1911. Secretary of State for War, 1905-12; Lord Chancellor, 1912-5. 75-6, 129, 145, 164-6, 168, 171, 174-6, 182-3, 188-9, 197-201, 203, 210, 212, 215-6, 218, 223-5, 227, 234-41, 249-50, 252-3, 257, 277, 279, 284-5, 400, 405-7, 409, 416-7, 438, 444, 449, 464-5, 478, 490-1, 493, 522-3, 528, 534, 534-8, 556

Hamburg, 93, 451

Hamburg-Amerika Steamship Company, 232, 406

Hamilton, General Sir Ian Standish Monteith [1853-1947]. Adjutant-General, 1909-10; Inspector-General of Overseas Forces, 1910-14. 262-3, 284, 286

Hamilton, Lord George Francis [1845-1927]. First Lord of the Admiralty, 1885-6, 1886-92. 5

Hampshire (British cruiser), 289, 313, 321

Hankey, Maurice Pascal Alers (later 1st Baron Hankey) [1877-1963]. Naval Intelligence Department, 1902-7; Assistant Secretary of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1908-12; Secretary, C.I.D.1912-38; of the War Council, November 1914-May 1915; of the Dardanelles Committee, May-November 1915; of the Cabinet War Committee, December 1915-December 1916; of the War Cabinet, 1916-8. Lieutenant-Colonel, Royal Marines, 1914. 11-2, 89, 129-31, 164-7, 170, 175, 215-6, 247, 258, 287, 347, 531

Hansard, 469

Harcourt, Lewis, first Viscount Harcourt [1863-1922]. Liberal politician. Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1910-5. 165, 188, 195, 241, 284-8, 441, 453, 460, 464-5, 476-7, 480

Hardcastle, Engineer-Lieutenant, 48

Hardinge, Sir Charles (since 1910, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst) [1858-1944]. Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1903-4; Ambassador at St. Petersburg, 1904-6; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1906-10; Viceroy and Governor-General of India, 1910-6; Ambassador at Paris, 1920-2. 81-2, 125, 136, 445, 525

Harvey process, 51

Haus, Admiral. Austrian Commander-in-Chief. 340-2, 372

Hazlehurst, Cameron, 441, 467, 494

Heath, Captain Herbert, British Naval Attaché at Berlin. 105-6

Heatwave, 157, 190

Hegemony, 136, 140, 162, 530-1

Heligoland, 173

Herzegovina, 99, 291

Hirson, 552-3

Hobhouse, Rt Hon. Sir Charles Edward Henry [1862-1941]. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1911-4; Postmaster-General, 1914-5. 269, 274, 278, 287, 296, 359-60, 370, 464-5, 477, 489

Hobson, J. A., 495

Hohenzollern (German Imperial yacht),152, 158

Holland submarine, 21

Holland, 66, 90, 191, 411, 420, 491, 498

Hopwood, Sir Francis John Stephens [1860-1947]. Additional Civil Lord, Admiralty, 1912-7. 292, 312, 361, 363

Hötzendorf, Conrad von, see Conrad

House of Lords, 2, 76, 141, 157, 159, 182, 199

Howe (British battleship), 3

Huguet, Major (later Colonel), French Military Attaché at London, 1906-11. iv-v, 70-1, 74-5, 194, 519-20, 522-4, 529, 535

Hungarian Government, 123-4

Hungarian Naval Estimates, 124

Hutchinson, Captain. British naval observer, Russo-Japanese War. 44

Huy, 190 Please click to go to the top of this page

Hybrid, 53

Hyde Park, iv, 70, 144

Illingworth, Percy. Liberal Chief Whip. 414

Iltis class (German gunboats), 152

Imperial Naval Office, 36, 50

Imperiali, Italian Ambassador, London. 317

Imports, 1 4-5, 420

Indefatigable (British battle cruiser), 54, 289, 313, 345-6, 470, 503, 505

Independence of Belgium, 191, 466, 468, 498

Independence of Morocco, 28

India, 1-2, 15, 65, 137-9

Indian frontier, 136, 559

Indomitable (British battle cruiser), 34, 55, 270, 275, 289, 313, 330, 503, 505

Inflexible (British battle cruiser), 55, 289, 313, 322, 330, 333, 335-6, 393

Inflexible class, 471

Innovation, 2, 11, 211

Inquiry into naval policy, 96, 126, 128, 130, 166

Intervention, see British intervention

Invasion plans, 15, 65-6, 91, 96, 166-7, 172, 175, 203, 248, 265, 286, 310, 415, 435, 451, 460, 465, 502, 419, 535, 548, 553-4, 559

Invincible (British battle cruiser), 50-1, 54-5, 89, 105, 270, 289, 313, 330, 335, 386, 422

Invincible class, 51, 53-5, 110

Ionian Islands, 338

Ireland, 406-7, 411, 413

Irish home rule, 235, 406, 412

Irish Nationalist support, 141

Isaacs, Rufus Daniel [1860-1935]. 210

Islam, 220, 261, 397

Isle of Hastings, (British merchant ship), 503, 505, 540

Isvolsky, M. Alexander [1856-1919]. Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1906-10; Ambassador at Paris, 1910-7. 139-40, 298

Italian bombardment of Dardanelles, 248. See also, Turco-Italian War

Italian naval building programme, xiv, 113, 187, 289, 315, 365, 372-3, 548,

Italian Navy, 101, 112, 269, 307, 339, 341, 351, 385, 393. See also, Austro-Italian co-operation

Itchen Abbas, 409-10, 412

Jackson, Admiral Sir Henry Brawardine [1855-1929]. Commanded RN War College, 1911-13; Chief of Admiralty War Staff, 1913; was destined to replace Milne as C-in-C, Medt.1914, but appointment rescinded; First Sea Lord, May 1915-Decemebr 1916. 44, 347-8, 393

Jagow, Gottlieb von [1863-1935]. German Foreign Secretary, 1913-6. 333, 406, 416, 438, 440-1, 461, 472, 476, 497, 508

Jane’s Fighting Ships, 112

Japan, 26, 30, 44, 46, 65, 137

Jean Bart (French battleship), 393

Jellicoe, Admiral (later Admiral of the Fleet) Sir John Rushworth [1859-1935]. Second Sea Lord, 1912-14; Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Fleet, 1914-6; First Sea Lord, 1916-7. Created Viscount, 1918; 1st Earl, 1925. 109, 201, 211, 246, 348, 386-90

Joffre, General Joseph Jacques Césaire [1852-1931]. Chief of French General Staff, 1911; C-in-C, French Armies in north and north-east, 1914; C-in-C of French Armies in the west, 1915-16. 195-6, 325, 476, 532, 552, 554-5

Jospeh I, Franz [1830-1916]. Emperor of Austria from 1848 and King of Hungary from 1867. 90-1

Kagul (Russian ship), 321

Kaiser class (German ships), 52

Kell, Colonel Sir Vernon George [1873-  ]. Staff Captain, War Office, 1904-7; Committee of Imperial Defence, 1907-9. 193

Kelly, Captain (later Admiral Sir) William A. Howard [1873-1952]. Commanded HMS Gloucester, 1914-16; liaison officer at French Ministry of Marine, 1916-17. 187, 242, 280, 325

Kennedy, Paul, 550

Kennet (British destroyer), 193

Kerr, Lord Walter Talbot [1839-1927] First Sea Lord, 1899-1904. 14-16

Kerr, Rear-Admiral (later Admiral) Mark Edward Frederic [1864-1944]. Head of the British Naval Mission to Greece and Commander-in-Chief of the Greek Navy, 1913-5. 210, 218

Key, Astley Cooper. First Lord of the Admiralty. 2

Keyes, Admiral Roger John Brownlow, first Baron Keyes [1872-1945]. Commodore in charge of submarines, 1912-4. 21

Kiderlen-Waechter, Herr von. German Minister at Bucharest, 1899-1910; Attached to German Foreign Office, 1908-9; Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1910-2. 151-3, 155-9, 164-5

Kiel Canal, 29, 50, 172-3, 291, 357, 406, 451

Kiel Regatta, 406

Kiel, 152, 172, 192, 291

King Edward class (British pre-dreadnoughts), 53, 273, 284, 294, 320, 376

King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 411

Kitchener, General Sir Herbert (later Earl Kitchener) [1850-1916]. Sirdar of the Egyptian Army [1892-9; Commander-in-Chief, India, 1902-9; Agent and Consul-General at Cairo, 1911-4; Secretary of State for War, 1914-6. 137, 165, 194, 248, 257-8, 260-4, 385, 421

Knollys, Lord Francis [1837-1924]. Private Secretary to King Edward VII; Joint Private Secretary to King George V, 1910-3. 271

Kohler, Commander Erich, 340

Kölnische Zeitung, 81

Konigin Luise (German ship), 452

Koryo-maru (Japanese ship), 43

Kriegspiel, 195

Krupp’s, 51, 105-6

Kühlmann, Herr Richard von [1873-1949]. Councillor of German Embassy at London, 1908-14; on missions to Turkey and Scandinavia, 1915-7; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1917-8. 314, 478

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Lambert, Nicholas, xiii-xiv, 20, 356, 363, 365, 369-71, 387-92

Lambton, Admiral Sir Hedworth, 201

Lancaster (British cruiser), 313

Lanessan, M J de, French Minister of Marine, 265

Lansdowne, The 5th Marquess of, [1845-1927]. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 12 November 1900 – 11 December 1905. 29-31, 70, 81, 135, 453, 462, 489, 517-9, 521

Lapeyrère, Vice-Admiral Auguste Emmanuel Hubert Gaston Marie Boué de [1852-1924]. French Minister of Marine, 1909-11; C-in-C, Première Armée Navale, 1911-15; Vice-Admiral Commanding the Allied Naval forces, Mediterranean, 1914-5. 128, 186-7, 242, 315, 319, 340, 473-6, 479

Laraiche, 152

Lascelles, Sir Frank Cavendish [1841-1920]. British Ambassador at Berlin, 1895-1908. 63

Law, Andrew Bonar [1858-1923]. Conservative MP, 1900-10, 1911-23. Leader of the Opposition from 1911. 436-7, 453, 462, 468-9, 489

Le Bris, Vice-Amiral Pierre Ange Marie [1856-1940]. Directeur du service des travaux, 1912; conducted secret talks with Battenberg, 1913. 332, 393-4

Le Temps, 12, 313

Lebanon, 333

Lemnos, 21

Leon Gambetta (French ship), 321

Levant, 271

Liberal administration, xii-xiii, 1, 31, 70, 437, 519

Liberal Foreign Affairs Committee, 492

Libreville, 162, 530

Libya, 317

Lichnowsky, Prince. German Ambassador in London, 1912-4. 407, 412-3, 415, 419, 434, 436, 438-40, 442-3, 454, 460-1, 472, 477, 491

Liège, 190-2, 417, 481

Lieven, Prince. Head of Russian Admiralty Staff. 297-8

Ligurian coast, 341

Lion (British battle cruiser), 54, 345

Lissa, battle of, 340

Lloyd, George Ambrose (later 1st Baron) [1879-1941]. Honorary Attaché, Constantinople, 1905-7. 436, 444, 453

Lloyds, 215

Lord Chancellor, 196, 277

Lord Mayor’s Dinner, 160

Lord Nelson (British semi-dreadnought), 52-3, 264, 273, 289

Loreburn, Lord (Robert Threshie Reid) [1846-1923]. Lord Chancellor, 1905-12. 188, 195-7, 202-4, 277, 508, 515, 533

Lorraine, 552, 554

Lowry, Captain. President of the [Naval] War College. 97 Please click to go to the top of this page

Lowther, Sir G. A. [1858-1916]. British Minister at Tangier, 1905-8; Ambassador at Constantinople, 1908-13. 322, 330

Lucerne, 210

Luxembourg (Luxemburg), 168, 451, 460, 480, 553-4

“Luxury Fleet”, 237

Lyncker, General von, 419

Lyttelton, Hon. Sir Neville, General, Chief of the General Staff, War Office, 1904-8. 529

Maddalena, 342

Madrid, 152

Mahommedan (Mahometan), 219, 287

Majestic class (British pre-dreadnoughts), 273

Malay, Federated States of, 290, 343, 359

Malaya (British dreadnought), 343, 359

Mallet, Sir Louis du Pan [1864-1936]. Private Secretary to Sir Edward Grey, 1905-6; Senior Clerk, 1906-7; Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1907-13; Ambassador at Constantinople, 1913-14. 29

Malmedy, 193

Malta, 8-10, 12-13, 21, 24-8, 80, 99, 102, 187, 220-2, 242, 244-8, 257-8, 261-5, 267, 269-75, 278-9, 284-7, 289, 292, 294-6, 300, 315, 319-22, 325, 330, 335-6, 338, 344-6, 365, 385, 387-8, 394, 422, 424, 471, 479, 541-2, 548

Manchester Guardian, 160-1, 368, 414

Manchester, 160

Manoeuvres, 5, 12, 81, 174, 185, 286, 314-5, 330, 334-5, 344-5, 377, 532

Mansion House speech, 160, 164, 193

Marder, Arthur. Naval historian. 20, 48

Marginalia by Kaiser, 443

Marinecommandant, 122, 372

Marinesektion, 340

Marmarice, 99

Marne, 555

Mary, Queen, 242

Massacres, Italian, 219

Masterman, Charles [1874-1927] Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1912; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster with seat in Cabinet, 1914-5. 360, 370, 464, 479

Masterton-Smith, James Edward [1878-1938]. Private Secretary to the First Lord of the Admiralty, 1910-17. 260, 335

Mauberge, 169, 417, 552, 556

McKenna, Reginald [1863-1943]. Liberal MP, 1895-1918. First Lord of the Admiralty, 1908-11; Home Secretary, 1911-5; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1915-6. 98, 100, 106-7, 109, 111-13, 130, 132, 153, 163, 166-8, 170-1, 174-6, 183-4, 186, 200-2, 211, 213, 246, 269-70, 273-8, 280, 284-6, 288, 293-6, 302, 320, 365-70, 405, 409, 417, 444, 461, 464-5, 467, 477, 479, 534, 541-2

Mediterranean Committee, 45-6

Mediterranean Squadron, see, British Mediterranean Squadron

Mediterranean, 11, 46, 49, 104, 113, 126, 128, 141, 143, 151-2, 156, 162, 197, 219-221, 226, 232, 248, 260, 263, 270, 275, 278-9, 302, 314, 317, 340, 343, 347, 349-50, 356, 358, 362, 364, 372-4, 376, 379, 393, 423, 446, 469, 475, 527, 532, 539, 544-5, 554, 558-9

Mercantile marine, 6

Mercier de Lostende, Capitaine de Vaisseau (later Contre-Amiral) [1860-1950]. French Naval Attaché at London, 1905-11; 1916-18. 79, 100-1, 184

Mersina, 333-4

Messimy. French Minister of War. 475-6

Messina, 341, 476, 503, 505

Methodology, historical, xiv, 356

Metternich, Count Paul von Wolff-, German Ambassador at London, 1901-12. 110, 142-3, 156-7, 159, 163-4, 239-42, 245

Metz, 417

Meuse River, 165, 190, 553

Mézières, 552-4

Mikasa (Japanese battleship), 46

Milazzo, 341

Military commitment, 67, 189, 190, 523

Military conventions, 78-9, 196, 203, 399, 494, 508, 520, 533, 535, 551, 555

Military conversations, 6, 81-2, 143, 250, 395, 525

Military conversations, see Conversations, naval and military

Military strategy, vi, 190, 257, 441, 532, 556

Milne, Admiral Sir Archibald Berkeley [1855-1938]. Second in command, Atlantic Fleet, 1905; second in command, Channel, 1908; commanded 2nd division, Home Fleet, 1909-10; Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Squadron, 1912-4. 245-6, 319-20, 322, 324, 330-5, 338, 340, 342, 344-5, 387, 394, 415, 422-4, 426, 470-1, 473, 479, 503-5

Minefields, 21, 555

Minelayer, 452

Minister of Marine (French), 10, 23, 102, 126-7, 185-6, 188, 222, 265-6, 474

Minister of Marine (Russian), 297, 398

Minister of Marine (Turkish), 358

Minotaur (British heavy cruiser), 52-3

Mittelmeerdivision (see also Goeben, Breslau), 321, 351, 422, 448, 451, 470-1, 552

Mobilization, xii, 10, 22, 69, 73, 132, 137, 167-8, 188, 193, 239-40, 285, 291, 332, 342, 347, 407, 410, 413, 416, 419, 422, 436-9, 449, 475-6, 490, 497, 499, 502, 504, 529, 555

Mogador, 29-30, 151-2, 162, 191

Molde, 158

Moltke (German battle cruiser), 54, 345

Moltke, Filed Marshal Helmuth von [1848-1916]. 134, 195, 418-9, 461

Monis. French Premier. 152-3

Montecuccoli, Admiral Rudolf Count, Chief of the Austrian Naval Department (or Marine Commandant). 122-4

Montenegro, 335

Montmedy, 554

Moore, Admiral Sir Archibald Gordon [1862-1934]. Naval assistant to Admiral Fisher, 1907-8; Director of Naval Ordnance and Torpedoes, 1909-12; Third Sea Lord, 1912-14; Commander of the 2nd Battle Cruiser Squadron, 1914. 391, 424

Morley, John, Viscount Morley [1838-1923]. Liberal MP, 1883-1908. Secretary of State for India, 1905-10; Lord President of the Council, 1910-4. 145, 160, 165, 170, 188, 195, 197, 202-3, 257, 284, 287, 404, 407, 441, 452-3, 462-6, 476-8, 480, 489-91, 502, 528, 534, 536, 556

Moroccan crisis, xi, 32, 65, 67, 99, 153, 325, 493

Morocco, iv, 25, 28-9, 31, 80-1, 99, 103, 143-4, 151, 155-7, 161-2, 191-2, 196, 198, 317, 516-8, 523-4

Müller, Admiral Georg von [1854-1940] Chief of the German Naval Cabinet from 1908. 137

Müller, Captain von. German Naval Attaché in London. 379

Mulliner, H. H. Managing Director of the Coventry Ordnance Works. 105-6

Murray, General Sir Archibald [1860-1945]. Director of Military Training. 166, 176

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Namur, 190-2, 481, 554

Nancy, 477

Naples, 246, 260, 262, 341, 345

Napoleon, 21, 162, 530, 550

Nassau class (German battleships), 50

Nauplia, 321

Naval conversations, see Conversations, naval and military

Naval Defence Act, 5

Naval Estimates, see British Naval Estimates

Naval Holiday, 242, 245

Naval Limitation, 235, 241-2

Naval strategy, 27, 71, 81, 96, 131, 161, 278, 296, 525

Navalist press, 56

Navies, see under individual country

Navy League, 56, 113

Navy War Council, 132

Negotiations, 25, 136, 138, 140, 142-3, 151, 157, 163-4, 191, 196, 219, 232, 240-1, 243, 245, 297-8, 302, 309, 319, 340, 398-9, 436, 447, 505, 543, 545

Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio, 21

New Zealand (British battle cruiser), 345-6, 422

New Zealand, 1, 257, 275, 290

Nicholas II [1868-1918]. Emperor of Russia, 1894-1917. 395, 436

Nicholson, Field Marshal Sir William Gustavus (since 1912, 1st Baron) [1845-1918]. Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1908-12. 166-7, 170, 173-4, 176, 191, 194, 529

Nickel steel, 3

Nicolson, Sir Arthur (Baron Carnock) [1849-1928]. British Ambassador at Madrid, 1905-6; at St Petersburg, 1906-10; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1910-16. 136, 138-41, 145, 155-60, 164, 198, 236, 238, 245, 249-52, 258, 260, 262, 266, 269-73, 278-9, 284, 300, 314, 316, 320, 322, 330, 331, 396-8, 410-2, 416, 421, 425, 435-8, 440, 445-7, 490, 500, 506-7, 516, 537-9, 542, 544, 549-51, 555

Nigeria, 287

Nish, 410

Nore, 57

Northbrook. First Lord of the Admiralty. 2-3

Northcliffe, Lord (Alfred Harmsworth) [1865-1922]. Proprietor of The Times. 414

Northumberland, 73, 79

Norwegian coast, 159, 451

Novelle, 226, 232-3, 236, 240, 242, 245, 274, 277, 291

Offensive alliance, 13, 74, 137, 191, 241, 268, 517, 520

Oil, 335, 360, 375, 377

Oilfields, 374

Oran, 474

Ottley, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Langley [1858-1932]. Director of Naval Intelligence, 1905-7, Secretary of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1907-12; Director of Armstrong, Whitworth & Company, 1912-7. 30, 65-6, 69, 71-3, 79, 100, 103, 109, 130-1, 166, 192, 211, 213-4, 216-8, 220, 224, 247, 312

Ottoman empire, 317

Painlevé. Reporter on the French Estimates, 265

Pakenham, Captain (later Admiral Sir) William [1861-1933]. Present as observer at Tsushima, 1904; Fourth Sea Lord, 1911; Rear-Admiral commanding 3rd Cruiser Squadron, Home Fleet, 1913. 43-4, 46-7, 59

Palermo, 345

Pall Mall Gazette, 3, 293

Panouse. French Military Attaché in London, 1914. 439 Please click to go to the top of this page

Panther (German gunboat), 152, 156-7, 163

Panthersprung, 197, 530

Parliamentary Commission (French), 126

Parsimony, 2, 4, 536

Parson’s turbines, 51

Patrol zones, 101, 185, 222, 258, 340

Pease, Joseph Albert [1860-1943]. Liberal Chief Whip, 1908-10; Chancellor, Duchy of Lancaster, 1910-1; President of the Board of Education, 1911-5. 98, 141, 460, 463-4, 466, 476-7, 480

Pelletan, Camille, French Minister of Marine, 1902-5. 13, 23-4

Persia, 1, 136, 139, 220, 316, 397, 534, 559

Petit Parisien, 126

Petropavlovsk (Russian ship), 43

Philippeville, 448, 503

Picard, M Alfred. French Minister of Marine. 102, 126-7

Pichon, M. Stephan, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1906-11. 102, 335

Place Vendome, 332

Plan A1 (British), 92

Plan XVI (French), 325, 552

Plan XVII (French), xii, 171, 475, 551, 553-4, 556-7

Poë, Admiral Sir Edmund. Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean 1910. 153, 222, 246

Pohl, Admiral Hugo von, Chief of the German Admiralty Staff, 1914. 448

Poincaré, M. Raymond Nicolas Landry [1860-1934]. French Minister for Finance, 1906; Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1912-3, 1922-4, 1926-9; President of the French Republic, 1913-20. 249, 266, 308-11, 316, 318-9, 546-8, 554

Pola, 295, 422

Pollen, Arthur Hungerford, 20, 35-6, 133

Polyphemus (proposed class of British semi-submersible craft), 388-9, 391

Pomerania, 398

Ponsonby, Arthur Augustus William Harry [1871-1946]. Private Secretary to Campbell-Bannerman, 1906-8; Liberal M.P., 1908-18. 467, 492, 497, 501-2, 504, 509, 515

Porch, Douglas, 171

Port Arthur, 22, 43, 46, 49, 297

Porte, see Sublime Porte

Portland, 9, 159, 422

Portsmouth, 16, 89, 132, 266-7

Potsdam, 419

Prasa Island firing experiments, 45

Pre-Dreadnoughts, 263-5, 273-4, 315, 473, 548

Preparations, naval and military, 4, 75, 78, 212, 235

Princess Royal (British battle cruiser), 345

Prinetti/Barrère agreement of 1902, 349

Prussia, 460

Prussian General Staff, 134

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Pumperneel, Captain René. French Naval Attaché, London. 172, 184, 221

Quai d'Orsay, 349, 399

Queen Anne's Gate, London, 438

Queen Elizabeth class (British dreadnoughts), 359, 377, 391

Queen Mary (British battle cruiser), 345

Radetzky (Austrian battleship), 365, 367

Radicalism, 415, 479

Radicals, vii, 106-7, 109-10, 159, 196, 202, 221, 232, 309, 361, 363, 366, 369, 375, 414, 480, 533-4, 536, 547

Railway network, 173, 407

Railways, 529, 553

Raouf, Bey. Turkish naval commander. 446

Rapprochement, 4, 11, 31, 136, 406

Reciprocity, 251, 538

Redisposition of forces, 450

Redistribution, 5, 22, 27, 31, 258-9

Reduction of Armaments Committee, 56

Refit, 346

Regina Elenas class (Italian battleships), 113

Reichstag, 97, 111, 234, 236, 553

Reigate Priory, 210, 220

Reina Regente (Spanish ship), 321

Repington, see A’Court-Repington

Reshadieh (Turkish dreadnought), 357, 391, 424

Resignations from the Cabinet, 436, 440, 452-3, 489, 502

Retardation of naval building, 127, 143, 243, 373

Revolution, 99, 140, 329

Rhine, 91, 420

Rhône, 339

Ricardo, Captain Arthur. British naval observer, Russo-Japanese War. 43-4

Richmond, Captain (later Admiral Sir) Herbert William [1871-1946]. Assistant Director of the Operations Division, Admiralty, 1913-5. 129

Riddell, Lord George Allardice [1865-1934]. Chairman, News of the World. 210

Ripon, Marquess of (George Frederick Robinson) [1827-1909]. Lord Privy Seal, leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords, 1905-8. 76

Roberts, Field Marshal Lord Frederick Sleigh [1832-1914]. President of the National Service League from 1905. 96

Robertson, William Robert [1860-1933]. Assistant Director of Military Operations, 1901-7; Brigadier-General, General Staff, Aldershot, 1907-10; Commandant, Staff College, 1910-3; Director of Military Training, 1913-4. 67, 551

Rodd, Sir James Rennell [1858-1941]. British Ambassador at Rome, 1908-21. 337, 349-51

Rolls-Royce, 361

Rome, 125, 337, 349, 410

Rotislav (Russian ship), 321

Rotterdam, 420 Please click to go to the top of this page

Roumania, 198, 447

Royal Marines, 11, 173

Runciman, Walter [1870-1949]. Liberal MP [1899-1900, 1902-18, 1924-31; National MP, 1931-7. President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1911-4; President of the Board of Trade, 1914-6. 460-2, 464, 466, 477-9, 481

Russian Army, 407, 419

Russian mobilization, 416, 419, 436, 438

Russian Navy, 5-6, 22-3, 28, 30, 34, 43, 46-7, 52, 65, 138, 297-8, 310, 333, 342, 397. See also, Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet

Russo-German relations, 139, 400, 439

Russo-Japanese War, 22, 28, 30, 35, 49-50

Ryan, Captain. 262-3

Saalwachter, Commander Alfred. German Navy. 340

Saffi, 191

Saint-Seine, Capitaine de vaisseau Jean Charles Just Bénigne de [1865-1954]. French Naval Attaché in London, 1911-6. 221-2, 259, 290, 298-300, 331-2, 393, 425-6, 472-3, 502-3, 543

Salisbury, The 3rd Marquis of [1830-1903]. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1895-1900; Prime Minister, 1895-1902. 9, 13

Salonica320-1, 333

Samuel, Herbert Louis [1870-1963]. Postmaster-General, 1910-4; President of the Local Government Board, 1914-5. 360, 365, 371, 405, 408-9, 418, 420, 441-2, 464-6, 476-9, 481, 491, 501

San Giuliano, Marquis di, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1905-6; Ambassador at London, 1906-10. 197, 343, 349-51

Sandars, Jack. Balfour’s political private secretary. 68

Sanderson, Sir Thomas H. (later Lord Sanderson), Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1894-1906. 74-5, 77-8, 517-8, 520-1

Sarajevo, 386, 400, 406

Sardinia, 324

Sazonov, M. Sergei Dmitrievich [1866-1927]. Councillor of Russian Embassy at London, 1904-6; Agent to the Vatican, 1906-9; Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1910-6. 309-10, 316, 394-5, 398, 412

Scheldt, 90

Schillighorn, 173

Schleswig Holstein, v, 29, 65-6, 72, 519

Scotland, 76, 163, 165, 182, 191, 198, 286

Scott, Admiral Sir Percy [1853-1924]. Captain of the RN Gunnery School, 1903-5; Inspector of Target Practice, 1905. 45

Scott, Charles Prestwich [1846-1932]. Editor, Manchester Guardian, 1872-1929. 160-2, 368-9, 414-5, 479, 495, 530

Scout cruisers, 342

Scrapping policy, 22, 32

Scutari, 335, 342

Sebastopol, 12

Secrecy, 97, 100, 171, 187, 250, 347, 357-8, 365

Seely, John Edward Bernard (later Lord Mottistone) [1868-1947]. Secretary of State for War, 1912-4. 277, 284-5, 347, 504

Selborne, Earl of [1859-1929]. First Lord of the Admiralty, 1900-5. 13-16, 20, 22-3, 26-7, 33-4, 48-9, 55, 63-4

Selves, M. de, French Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1911-2. 155

Semi-submersible class, see Polyphemus

Senate, Canadian, 292-3, 345, 364, 366

Senate, French, 144, 528

Serbia, Servia, 407-8, 413, 415-6, 494

Serbian mobilization, 410

Serbian reply to Austria, 409, 413

Seydlitz (German battle cruiser), 345

Shannon (British heavy cruiser), 289, 346

Shipbuilding, 35, 54-5, 91, 107-9, 111, 126, 226, 234, 269, 292, 343, 349, 360

Shipyards, 11, 105, 358 Please click to go to the top of this page

Sicily, 504

Siebert, Bernt von (German spy in Russian Embassy). 398

Simon, Sir John Allsebrook [1873-1954]. Liberal MP, 1906-18, 1922-31. Solicitor-General, 1910-3; Attorney-General with a seat in the Cabinet, 1913-15. 370-1, 441-2, 452-3, 460, 464-5, 476-8, 480-1, 489-91, 501-2

Singapore, 26

Slade, Vice-Admiral Sir Edmond John Warre [1859-1928]. Director of Naval Intelligence, 1907-8; attached to the Commission on Oil Fuel Supplies, 1912-4. 89-91, 94, 96-7, 100, 129, 133, 211, 213, 374

Smith, Frederick Edwin [1872-1930]. Conservative MP, 1906-18. 436, 449

Smyrna, 321

Socialist Party, 407

Socialists, ix, 467

Souchon, Rear-Admiral Wilhelm [1864-1933]. Commander of the German Mediterranean Squadron, October 1913-August 1914. Appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish Navy, September 1914. 448, 503

Spain, 25, 122, 152, 156, 248, 271, 321, 422

Spencer, John Poyntz [1835-1910]. First Lord of the Admiralty, 1892-5. 6, 9

Spender, John Alfred [1862-1942]. Journalist and author. Editor, Westminster Gazette, 1896-1922. 210, 266

Spithead, 288, 290-1, 409, 422

Spolato, 335

Spy in Russian Embassy, xiii, 398

St Angelo, 388

St Petersburg, (Petersburgh), 136, 139, 155, 298, 307, 309, 397-9, 406, 409-10, 413, 416, 505

Stabilimento Tecnico, Trieste, 122-3, 386

Stamfordham, Baron (Arthur John Bigge) [1849-1931]. Private Secretary to Prince George, 1901-10; to King George V, 1910-31. 156

Stanley, Beatrice Venetia [1887-1948]. A cousin of Clementine Churchill and Asquith’s confidante. 418, 420, 468, 490, 502

Steed, Henry Wickham [1871-1956]. Foreign correspondent, The Times, 1896-1913; head of foreign department, The Times, 1914-19. 437, 500

Stevenson, Frances, 465

Strassburg (German cruiser), 334, 338

Strategy Committee, 97

Strategy of numerical superiority, 5

Sturdee, Rear-Admiral Sir Frederick Charles Doveton [1859-1925]. Assistant Director of Naval Intelligence, 1900-2; Rear-Admiral, Home Fleet, 1909-10; Chief of the Admiralty War Staff, 1914; Commander-in-Chief of the 4th Battle Squadron, 1915-8. 211, 469-72, 502

Sturm ünd drang, 140

Sublime Porte, 8, 321, 425, 447

Submarines, xiii, 20-1, 23, 27-8, 33, 49, 72-3, 70, 101, 173, 222, 261, 265, 269, 271, 286, 290, 314, 320, 325, 343, 356-9, 362-3, 372, 374, 376-8, 386-8, 390-1, 470

Submersibles, 388, 391

Substitution policy, xiv, 356-9, 365, 370, 374, 386-9, 392

Suchomel, Lieutenant Commander Alfred. Austrian Navy. 340

Suda Bay, 321

Sudan, 10

Suez Canal, 1, 10, 21, 28, 92, 101-2, 143, 176, 248, 257, 266, 271, 325, 342

Suffolk (British cruiser), 263, 286, 313

Suffren (French battleship), 474

Sultan of Turkey, 139, 151

Sultan Osman (Turkish dreadnought), 357, 391, 424, 446

Sumida, Jon. xiii, 20, 45, 392

Supplementary naval bill (German), 226, 240-1

Supplementary Naval Estimates (British), 239, 364-5, 367, 371

Supreme Council of National defence, 473

Surtees, Colonel H. C. Military Attaché to the British Embassy at Constantinople and the Legation at Athens, 1905-9. 105-6

Sweden, 139

Switzerland, 125, 491

Sydenham, 1st Baron, see Clarke.

Syracuse, 335

Syria, 333, 344

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Tactics, xiv, 33, 35, 93, 131, 212, 392

Talbot, Lord Edmund, 453

Tangier, 28-9, 517

Taranto, 184, 298, 331, 341

Tariff reform, 31

Taxation, 3, 10, 126, 362, 371

Tegetthoff (Austrian dreadnought), 393

Telegraphy, 360

Tempo of naval building, 97, 142, 226, 233-4, 236-7, 240, 292, 378, 537

Terraine, John, 522-3, 535-6

Territorial ambitions, 351 (Italian), 420 (German)

Territorial compensation, 152

Territorial Force, 175-6

Tewfik Pasha, Ahmed [1845-1936]. Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs [1895-1909; Grand Vizier, 1909; Ambassador at London, 1909-14. 446-7

Thames, 452

Thetford, 288

Thomson, G. M., 556

Thomson, Gaston. French Minister of Marine. 127

Tibet, 136, 139

Tirpitz, Grossadmiral Alfred von [1849-1930]. Secretary of State for the German Navy, 1897-1916. 36, 50, 97-8, 165, 226, 232-4, 236-8, 378, 386, 390, 448, 461

Togo, Admiral. 44, 49, 52

Tokyo, 43

Torpedo boats, 3, 5, 22, 28, 73, 92, 101, 341-2, 359, 367, 475, 525

Torpedoes, 2, 21, 33, 43, 47-9, 72, 192, 220, 263, 269, 271, 277, 286, 299, 315, 320, 357, 363, 365, 377, 388-9, 392, 470, 541, 543, 548

Toul, 554

Toulon, 1, 4-6, 8-10, 12, 23, 80, 102, 184-6, 221, 331, 341, 345, 394, 437, 473, 476, 524, 533

Trafalgar Day, 16

Trafalgar Square, ix, 467

Trafalgar, 10

Transportation of troops, 73, 154, 167-8, 171, 173, 286, 332, 342, 394, 415, 422-4, 451-2, 471, 473-6, 503-5

Trapani, 341

Treasury, 312

Treaty of Berlin, 139

Trevelyan, Charles Philips [1870-1958]. Liberal MP, 1899-1918. 492, 501

Trier, 553

Trieste, 122-4, 386

Triple Alliance, 30, 112, 128, 186, 191, 198, 248-9, 261, 264, 266, 270, 280, 285, 307, 309-10, 317, 337-9, 341, 349-51, 413, 496, 537

Tripoli, 8, 197-8, 219, 248, 266, 329, 339

Troubridge, Rear-Admiral (later Admiral Sir) Ernest Charles Thomas [1860-1926]. Naval Attaché, Vienna, Madrid, Tokyo, 1901-4; Private Secretary to the First Lord, 1911; Chief of the Admiralty War Staff, 1912; Commander of the 1st Cruiser Squadron, Mediterranean, 1912-4; Head of the British Naval Mission to Serbia, 1915-16. 43-4, 46, 52, 218-9, 225, 242, 247, 252, 266-8, 270, 273, 278, 284, 290, 295-6, 299, 312-3, 323-4, 348, 358, 422, 470, 473

Trummler, Rear-Admiral. Commanded the Mittelmeerdivision, 1912-13. 321, 333-4

Tsushima, 30-1, 34, 47, 49, 52, 297

Tunis, 8

Turbines, 35, 50-1 Please click to go to the top of this page

Turco-German Treaty, 447

Turco-Italian War, 198, 251, 266, 317

Turkey, 1, 13, 99, 122, 128, 139, 140, 171, 197-8, 219, 248-9, 261, 287, 307, 320, 330, 395, 425, 447, 505

Turkish Navy, 297, 307, 357-8, 391, 397, 424. See also, Sultan Osman, Reshadieh

Tweedmouth, Baron (Edward Marjoribanks) [1849-1909]. First Lord of the Admiralty, 1905-8. 31, 56, 95, 97-8

Two keels to one, 233, 236

Tyne, 425

Tyrol, 131

Tyrrell, Sir William George [1866-1947]. Senior Clerk in the British Foreign Office, Private Secretary to Sir E. Grey, 1907-15. 160, 411-2, 436, 438-40, 442

Ulster, 407-8


Unofficial talks, 74-5, 93, 520, 545

Venerable (British battleship) firing experiments, 45-6

Venice, 335

Verdun, 169, 417, 554

Verner, Commander Rudolf. Royal Navy. 336

Vickers, 391

Victor Hugo (French ship), 321

Victoria Station, 260

Vienna, 249, 307, 339-40, 344, 349, 351, 325

Villaine, Gaudin de. French Senator. 81-2

Viribus unitis (Austrian ship), 123, 321, 393

Volkov, Captain. Russian Naval Attaché in London. 398

von der Tann (German battle cruiser), 54, 345

Wangenheim, Baron Hans Freiherr von [1859-1915]. German Ambassador at Constantinople, 1912-15. 333, 447-8

Wangeroog, 173

Wargrave Manor, 453

Warrior (British heavy cruiser), 52, 313

Waterplanes, 290

Watson, Captain Hugh. British Naval Attaché in Berlin. 334

Waverers in British Cabinet, 434, 444, 453, 478, 489

Weser River, 66

Western basin of Mediterranean, 28, 92, 101-2, 221, 262, 280, 298, 300, 526

Westminster Gazette, 266

Weymouth (British heavy cruiser), 321

Weymouth, 48

Whale Island, 45

Whitaker’s Almanac, 91

White, Sir William. Director of Naval Construction. 51

Whitehall, 8, 211, 270, 449, 491

Whitehead torpedo, 48

Wilhelm II, [1859-1941] German Emperor, 1888-1918. 11, 28-9, 63, 97-8, 105, 125-6, 152, 158-9, 164, 232, 234, 236, 239-41, 244-5, 314, 334, 338, 419, 436, 438, 443, 448, 517

Wilhelmshaven, 105, 172, 187, 291

Williamson, Samuel R., 71, 521, 545, 551, 554

Wilson, Admiral Sir Arthur Knyvet [1842-1921]. Commander-in-Chief of the Home and Channel Fleets, 1901-7; First Sea Lord, 1910-11; employed at the Admiralty in an unofficial capacity throughout the war. Vii, 65, 92, 96, 132-3, 164, 166-7, 170-4, 176, 183-4, 186, 188, 194, 215-7, 221, 284, 288, 532-3

Wilson, General Sir Henry Hughes [1864-1922]. Director of Military Operations, 1910-4; chief liaison officer with the French Army, 1915. Vi, xi-xiii, 104, 159, 164-6, 168-72, 176, 188-95, 204, 247, 252-3, 266, 275, 277, 284, 287-8, 293, 296, 308, 313, 396, 409, 416-7, 419-21, 437, 439, 453, 461, 490, 527, 531-3, 536, 540, 546, 551, 556-7

Wilson, Trevor, 412, 523, 551

Wireless Telegraphy, 185, 340, 360

Withdrawal from Mediterranean, see British withdrawal from Mediterranean

Wolff, Theodor. Editor of the Berliner Tageblatt, 398, 406

Wood, Thomas McKinnon [1855-1927]. Secretary of State for Scotland with a seat in the Cabinet, 1912-6. 464, 476-7, 489

XIXth Army Corps, 242, 325, 332, 342, 351, 392, 448, 473, 475-6

Zeit, 372

Zone of concentration, 553-4

Zones of action, 101-2, 184-5, 222, 258, 340, 533

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THE MILLSTONE: British Naval Policy in the Mediterranean, 1900-1914, the Commitment to France and British Intervention in the War © Geoffrey Miller

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